宜蘭線鐵道與創建 The Birth of Yilan Railway
Railways were the most important modern transportation for Taiwan in the Japanese ruled
period. Its
of quickly carrying passengers and hauling goods to other places shifted people's perception of time and
The section presents the reasons supporting Yilan Railway plan, history and process of construction,
achievements of the construction, and the features of the railway.
- 還沒有宜蘭線鐵道前 Before Yilan Railway Was Constructed
- 建構臺灣環島鐵道 The Project of the Railways around Taiwan.
- 蘭陽平原早期鐵道建設 The Very First Period of Railway Construction on Yilan Plain
- 測量路線 Route Survey
- 完工路線 Decided Route
- 分段通車 Open Route by Sections
- 宜蘭線鐵道全通式 The Inauguration of Yilan Railway
- 宜蘭線鐵道功勞者 The Contributors to Yilan Railway
- 從八堵到蘇澳要換兩次機關車!
Did it have to shift locomotives twice from Badu to Su'ao! - 橋梁工程 Bridge Constructions
- 蘭陽溪鐵道橋 Lanyang River Railway Bridge
- 隧道工程 Tunnel Constructions
- 產業鐵道 Industrial Railways
- 鐵道車站 Railway Stations
- 宜蘭站 Yilan Station
- 牡丹站-折返式線路 Mudan Station, Switchback Route.
- 轉車台 Railway Turntable
- 全臺第一座鐵道車站地下道
The First Underpass of Railway Station in Taiwan - 宜蘭線鐵道小學堂 Yilan Railway Primary School
- 宜蘭線大事記 Memorabilia of Yilan Railway
